Sunday, April 15, 2007

Jeremy & I at La Jolla Beach in San Diego California
This is Brennon Cooper Wilkey----AKA Cheddar----He is 6 months old now---look at those BLUE eyes. He is a great baby and a huge blessing.
This is Preston and Brennon at the Blue Angels Air Show. Chase was at the Ranch.

Future Firefighter

Here is a picture of Chase at our local firestation. He was a Firefighter for Halloween and wants to be a future firefighter. Look out Corpus Christi. Ha ha

Monday, April 9, 2007

This is a picture of Chase with his "girlfriend" Kaitlyn. They are best buds and inseparable at school and church.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Let's see if this works

Hi I am trying to test this to see if this works. I am trying to upload a picture of the boys at Christmas time. I will upload more pictures if I can try and figure this thing out.