We went to a swimming party tonight and my little fish love it. Preston and Chase have been taking lessons all summer and can swim really well. Brennon also loved the pool.
Preston went fishing today with Jeremy and Chase and he was the only one who caught a fish and it was Preston's first "keeper" he was so excited. It was a 20 inch speckled trout. Yeah Preston. Look how looooong he looks for a 5 year old. Wow where does time go?
Brennon turned 10 months old yesterday----wow how time flies. He has 6 teeth and is crawling and pulling himself up and trying to walk all over the place. He still barely has any hair.
Chase loves to sing anything and everything and he loves to play his guitar.
Chase's 4th birthday party---he wants to be a firefighter, so we had a firetruck party and one of our really good friends got his buddies at the fire dept to bring the truck out for Chase's birthday. It was really cool.