Sunday, August 19, 2007

Beach babies

Jeremy is a great dad --he loves to take his kids to the beach and teach them to fish and let them swim in the ocean.
Brennon loves the beach. He tries to crawl all over the water. He also loves to try and eat the sand or put it all over himself.

Chase caught this fish and I said let me take a picture and he looked at the fish and said smile fishee---it was just too cute I could not resist. Look at those freckles, he definitely has the Adams features. :-)

Ok so we have gone to the beach a few times this summer and the kids have had a blast. It's a shame that we dont go more often and we live so close. I tried to be a photographer here and capture the beautiful sunset behind the dunes,however trying to get all three kids to smile at the same time is really hard. Anyways we had a great time at the beach, sure wish we could get the whole family together at the beach again someday. I miss everyone.

1 comment:

hoLLy said...

What a great daddy! Cute pictures!